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Department Associations

2017- 18


  1. Seminar on the methods of preparation of project reports for M Com and B Com students on sept.22, 2017.
  2. Career opportunity in Logistic Management by Mr. Suresh Kumar, ACCA, Cochin
  3. Seminar on new trends in banking with special reference to demonetisation on 24th Nov. 2017by Mr.Anandsivaraman Asst. Manager SBI
  4. Chartered Accountancy prospects and scope on Jan.21, 2018 by Mr. Santhosh A C Chartered Accountant.
  5. Commerce Association was inaugurated on 3rd Dec 2017 by Mr. Jose Jacob; Secretary Chungathara Service Cooperative Bank. He delivered a talk on role of Co operative banks in the progress of rural people.